Trust 2.0 Speaker Set Driver Programs
14189 - USB Speaker Set SP-2850p. Where can I get software/drivers for my Trust product? Software/drivers are available on the CD included with your product. This page contains the driver installer for Trust Speakers, the product series/models supported by this installer are: Tytan 2.1 Speaker Set, Orion 2.1 Speaker Set.
This page contains the driver installer for Trust Remo 2.0 Speaker Set, the product series/models supported by this installer are:, etc. It is highly recommended you update your Trust Remo 2.0 Speaker Set drivers regularly in order to avoid conflicts, By downloading the latest driver helps you resolve driver conflicts and improve your computer's performance. Download the Driver Installer below and run a free scan to check whether your PC drivers are up to date. System Information: Your machine is currently running: Windows (Detected) The Driver Installer utility is compatible with your operating system. Name:.
Driver Version:. Release Date:.
File Size:. Supported OS:. Driver Installer. 3.1.01. 2014-02-15.
2.67MB. Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 2003, Windows 2008 (32 and 64 bit).
The following is the important information of Trust USB Speaker Set SP-2800p installation driver. Driver Installation instructions for Sound Cards Only. These instructions may not be applicable to other audio devices.
2.0 Speaker Setup
Click on Download Now and a File Download box will appear. Select Save This Program to Disk and a Save As box will appear.
Select a directory to save the driver in and click Save. Locate the driver file using Windows Explorer when the download has completed. Running the downloaded file will extract all the driver files and setup program into a directory on your hard drive.
The directory these driver are extracted to will have a similar name to the USB Speaker Set SP-2800p model that was downloaded (i.e., c: USB Speaker Set SP-2800p). The setup program will also automatically begin running after extraction. However, automatically running setup can be unchecked at the time of extracting the driver file. Turn your computer power off. Connect the Trust USB Speaker Set SP-2800p to your computer. Turn on your computer.
Home Theater Speaker Set
When the USB Speaker Set SP-2800p is first connected to the your computer, the Windows dialog called 'Add New Hardware Wizard' will appear automatically. (To display this dialog manually, you can choose the Start button and then Settings to access the Control Panel, and then double click on Add New Hardware. The Trust USB Speaker Set SP-2800p needs to be connected first.). The Add New Hardware Wizard dialog box guides you through the driver installation process. Click on Next to move from step to step.
A dialog states 'Windows will now search for any new Plug and Play devices on your system'. A subsequent dialog gives you these options: Search for the best driver for your USB Speaker Set SP-2800p (Recommended) Display a list of all drivers in a specific location, so you can select the driver you want. Please accept the recommended choice by clicking on Next. The Wizard will then search your hard drive for a file called.inf (for example USB Speaker Set SP-2800p.inf). This file contains all the information that Windows needs to install the correct device drivers. If during installation in Windows, you will be prompted with a message warning that the driver software has not passed Windows Logo testing.
Select Continue Anyway and proceed with the installation. The driver is completely tested and verified by Trust, and safe to use. When you see the Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard screen, click Finish to complete the driver installation. Once the installer has finished copying the files. You will see the Installation Complete screen. Click Finish. Windows will automatically continue to install the driver for Trust USB Speaker Set SP-2800p.
After you complete driver installations, you should restart your computer. After restarting Windows, you will see the Trust USB Speaker Set SP-2800p panel icon in your system tray (lower right corner of your desktop).
Click on the icon to open the Trust USB Speaker Set SP-2800p panel. Search and consult the Readme file for additional installation drivers instructions for your USB Speaker Set SP-2800p. Go to Device Manager, check the devices under 'Sound, video and game controllers'.
You will see the Trust USB Speaker Set SP-2800p if you have completed the installation process correctly. Your USB Speaker Set SP-2800p is ready to use. Available 8 Drivers.