Marine Plc Law Program


If you enlist, unless it is in the Marine reserves, you are going on active duty and not Law School and you won't be an officer. You can do still do PLC Law, or Occ Law but these will not pay law school tuition. The only service branch rotc that I know of that will pay Law School tuition is Army Rotc. Additional Details: The GI Bill will help to pay for Law School, but it would be a better idea to go the Plc or Occ route and serve as an officer rather than enlisting. The selection rates are much higher for Plc than for Occ. The much higher salary earned could be saved to help to pay for Law School expenses that the GI Bill would not cover, and the experience of having served as a Marine Officer, and you will rank Captain by the end of four years, will help to compete for admission to highly competitive law schools. Single enlisted Marines ranking below E-6 are not eligible for tax free BAH(housing allowance) and must live on base in the barracks.

Marine Corps OCS commissioning program. Cadets can enroll in Platoon Leaders Course (PLC) during their freshman or sophomore years at MMI. Cadets will work with the.

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Plc Program Training

Marine Corps OCS commissioning program. Cadets can enroll in Platoon Leaders Course (PLC) during their freshman or sophomore years at MMI. Print web page continuous pdf. Cadets will work with the local Officer Selection Officer (OSO) to apply for PLC. If selected, cadets will attend two six-week summer training programs at the Marine Corps Officer Candidate School(OCS), located at Quantico, Virginia. PLC summer class sizes are typically 250 to 300 students, broken into four to six platoons.

The platoons train in a demanding environment where they are continuously evaluated on their physical fitness, academics, and leadership to determine if they have what it takes to serve as company grade officers. The Marine Corps provides travel costs, meals, textbooks, and lodging during the summer training sessions, and students are also paid for their time. A PLC candidate who has completed at least one summer training session is eligible for a $350 monthly stipend for up to nine months of your school year.

In addition, participants earn up to $2,985 during the training. Most colleges will grant academic credit for the summer training. Upon completion of their four-year degree, applicants are commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the USMC.

You are not obligated to serve in an active duty status until you accept your commission after college graduation. There is a four year obligation for Ground contracts and eight years for Aviation contracts. For more information about the Platoon Leaders Course click.

Plc Law Uk

Minimum requirements: 22 Composite ACT/ 1000 SAT (math and verbal) or AFQT score of 74 If you think you have what it takes to be one of us, and a leader of Marines.

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