Types Of Timber Used In Construction Pdf

  1. Different Types Of Timber Used In Construction

The words 'lumber' and 'timber' are often used interchangeably to refer to wood used in construction. Various types of lumber. Wood as a Building Material. Types of Wood Used in Timber Frame Construction Purpose: For students to understand the important of timber frame construction and its value in architectural history. Unit 10 Construction Materials — Types and Uses 133 Sheets of wire mesh also are used for rein-forcement. Welded wire fabric (WWF)is a prefabricated material used.

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Different Types Of Timber Used In Construction

(17 pages, 2.8 MB PDF) February 2004 Heavy timber construction is one of the oldest types of buildings used in the development of this country. Its superior performance has been demonstrated in thousands of buildings during the past hundred and fifty years, many of which are still in satisfactory use. As originally conceived, the heavy timber building was a multi-story structure, designed and used primarily for industrial and storage purposes. Today, its use has been expanded to include many other occupancies. It is commonly used for assembly and mercantile buildings, such as schools, churches, auditoriums, gymnasiums, supermarkets, and for various other structures. This publication defines the minimum requirements for heavy timber construction, and provides illustrations of good construction details. These are recommended to the architect and builder as a guide in developing a safe and economical form of construction.

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