Golf Is Not A Game Of Perfect


Golf is anything but a perfect game. Golf is inherently a game of mistakes. The key to successful play is how well you recover from mistakes. Read more now. The truth about human performance is far more encouraging, says Dr. Bob Rotella in Life Is Not a Game of Perfect. Rotella, the bestselling author of Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect and Golf Is a Game of Confidence, believes that talent, as conventionally defined and measured, plays a secondary role in determining one's fate.

  1. Bob Rotella Golf Is Not A Game Of Perfect
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Filled with insightful stories about golf, Dr. Bob Rotella’s delightful book will improve the game of even the most casual weekend player. Bob Rotella is one of the hottest performance consultants in America today.

Among his many professional clients are Nick Price (last year's Player of the Year), Tom Kite, Davis Love III, Pat Bradley, Brad Faxon, John Daly, and many o Filled with insightful stories about golf, Dr. Bob Rotella’s delightful book will improve the game of even the most casual weekend player. Bob Rotella is one of the hottest performance consultants in America today.

Among his many professional clients are Nick Price (last year's Player of the Year), Tom Kite, Davis Love III, Pat Bradley, Brad Faxon, John Daly, and many others. Rotella, or “Doc,” as most players refer to him, goes beyond just the usual mental aspects of the game and the reliance on specific techniques. What Rotella does here in this extraordinary book, and with his clients, is to create an attitude and a mindset about all aspects of a golfer's game, from mental preparation to competition. The most wonderful aspect of it all is that it is done in a conversational fashion, in a dynamic blend of anecdote and lesson.

And, as some of the world's greatest golfers will attest, the results are spectacular. Golfers will improve their golf game and have more fun playing. Some of Rotella's maxims include: -On the first tee, a golfer must expect only two things of himself: to have fun, and to focus his mind properly on every shot.Golfers must learn to love 'the challenge when they hit a ball into the rough, trees, or sand. The alternatives—anger, fear, whining, and cheating—do no good.Confidence is crucial to good golf. Confidence is simply the aggregate of the thoughts you have about yourself.It is more important to be decisive than to be correct when preparing to play any golf shot or putt.

Filled with delightful and insightful stories about golf and the golfers Rotella works with, Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect will improve the game of even the most casual weekend player. Golf Is Not A Game Of Perfect Dr.

Bob Rotella with Bob Cullen This book is how Dr Bob Rotella helps the mental attitudes of professional golfers. In the book it shows many different examples of professionals struggling with some of the same mistakes that amateurs struggle with as well. One big take away that I had from this book is that pros and amateurs alike make the same mistakes, the big difference is that professionals handle the mistake differently. Instead of the pro getting upset at the l Golf Is Not A Game Of Perfect Dr.

Bob Rotella with Bob Cullen This book is how Dr Bob Rotella helps the mental attitudes of professional golfers. In the book it shows many different examples of professionals struggling with some of the same mistakes that amateurs struggle with as well. One big take away that I had from this book is that pros and amateurs alike make the same mistakes, the big difference is that professionals handle the mistake differently. Instead of the pro getting upset at the last shot he just put in the weeds (like most amateurs would do) he thinks about how he’s going to hit that shot and still make a par. One of my favorite quotes in the book is “It’s more important to be decisive about a read than correct.”-Dr. Bob Rotella pg. What this quote means is, when putting you are trying to tell how much a putt is going to break on a green and how hard to hit a putt.

This process is called reading a putt and it’s vital to get it correct in order to shoot a good round. This quote came in at the perfect time in my golf game because I had been struggling with my putting because I was getting too technical. As soon as I changed my mind set on the greens, in relations to this quote, I had started making more putts again. Another quote I really liked was “A golfer can and must decide how he will think.”- Dr. Bob Rotella pg 36. The reason I read this book was to try to get valuable information out of it on how to control my emotions on the golf course. This quote helps me realize that my emotions and the way I act is a choice made by me.

It also made me think about how golf isn't that big of a dead, it's not a life or death situation. For me to get so upset about me not playing to my expectations isn't right because at the end of the day, it's just a game. My favorite person in this book is Arnold Palmer. Not only is he my favorite person in this book but he's my favorite golf of all time. He was known for for being an amazing golfer, and person off the golf course.

In the book he talks about when he was a junior he made more putts because he had less on his mind and was decisive. When he became pro there was more on his mind and he became more tentative. The theme of this book is how you can make mistakes and still be okay. For example if you make a double bogey on a hole, you can still come back from it.

The other theme would be, to play with confidence. If you're timid around the whole golf course how can you focus on hitting a good golf shot. When pros are playing well they are hitting putts into the back of the cup, and have a positive attitude towards the course.

I have read quite a number of books on golf. This was definitely my favorite about the mental aspects of the game. What I love about golf is the parallels it has to life. Golf is an exciting game, but just when you think you have it figured out, it can humble you quickly. You have to keep things simple. Focus on the target, follow your process, then accept whatever outcomes happens.

When you get to caught up in outcome and feel wronged when a perfect shot takes a bad bounce, you compound the pro I have read quite a number of books on golf. This was definitely my favorite about the mental aspects of the game. What I love about golf is the parallels it has to life. Golf is an exciting game, but just when you think you have it figured out, it can humble you quickly. You have to keep things simple. Focus on the target, follow your process, then accept whatever outcomes happens. When you get to caught up in outcome and feel wronged when a perfect shot takes a bad bounce, you compound the problems, get caught up in negativity, and end up with a terrible round.

I have never been a negative golfer, but I have also never been as mentally strong as I wanted to be. A golf teacher once told me that I just need to get out of my own way as I can be too technical and methodical. This book really helped me to be more fluid - just focusing on the target and trusting my swing which I have spent years trying to improve. Somehow this book gave me the keys to do that.

After reading it, I had two of the best rounds of my life!! This book was all about improving the way you think and play golf. Bob Rotella shared his experiences with golfers from across the world. He displayed that the game of golf is all about your mind. It is not just your body that controls the way you play, but your mind is the main controller in this crazy game. He shared ways to have a great preshot routine and think like the pros.

The knowledge he shares can help a golfer go from 0 to 50. It is only a matter of time before you become great at This book was all about improving the way you think and play golf. Bob Rotella shared his experiences with golfers from across the world. He displayed that the game of golf is all about your mind. It is not just your body that controls the way you play, but your mind is the main controller in this crazy game.

He shared ways to have a great preshot routine and think like the pros. The knowledge he shares can help a golfer go from 0 to 50. It is only a matter of time before you become great at the game of golf. Are you having trouble with your golf game? Can’t keep the ball in the fairway? Missing short putts consistently?

Do you have a qualm about standing over the ball? This is the book for you! This book explains how you can fix your problems in a way that doesn’t involve wasting your money on a lesson.

Golf Is Not A Game Of Perfect taught me that it isn’t all about how far you can hit your drive, which used to be my specialty. This book taught me that the mental side of the game is more important Are you having trouble with your golf game?

Can’t keep the ball in the fairway? Missing short putts consistently? Do you have a qualm about standing over the ball? This is the book for you!

This book explains how you can fix your problems in a way that doesn’t involve wasting your money on a lesson. Golf Is Not A Game Of Perfect taught me that it isn’t all about how far you can hit your drive, which used to be my specialty. This book taught me that the mental side of the game is more important than the physical side.

I lacked in the mental side and I always thought of golf as a good way to hang out with friends. Now, I am more focused on my target than I am on what my buddy is saying. This book covers a lot of different strategies to help you focus your mental side of the game. My favorite is when your inside 120 yards you don’t look at the green as your target: you look at the cup for your target. This gives you a small margin for error. After I read this quote, I went to the chipping green for an hour.


“They won money because they all had great short games.” They are the professionals Dr. Bob Rotella helped. Another quote that inspired me to work harder on my golfing game was “in the end, you will realize that you love golf because of what it teaches you about yourself.” I thought about this once I finished this book; I realized that golf taught me that strength isn’t every, you can hit the ball 400 yards but if you can’t chip and putt it’s useless. I also learned that I need to trust my swing because if I don’t the ball won’t be going anywhere near the target. It’s okay to make a mistake: not everyone is infallible. This book is perfect for people struggling with their golf game.

Golf is not a game of perfect; it’s about a game of trust. I hope this review helped you and if you know someone who is struggling with their golf game suggest reading this book because it has helped me a lot. As a high school golfer trying to learn everything he can to become a professional I found this book very helpful with the mental part of the game. I was shocked when I realized that this not only effects golf but can help in any sport baseball, basketball, football, soccer any sport you might play. I found most interesting the problems and quotes listed by some of the best golfer a in the world such as Jack Nicklaus,Tom Watson, and others. Personally I realized that I was setting my goals to s As a high school golfer trying to learn everything he can to become a professional I found this book very helpful with the mental part of the game.

I was shocked when I realized that this not only effects golf but can help in any sport baseball, basketball, football, soccer any sport you might play. I found most interesting the problems and quotes listed by some of the best golfer a in the world such as Jack Nicklaus,Tom Watson, and others.

Personally I realized that I was setting my goals to small I wasn't going big enough. This year I was going to try to win the 'birdie derby' for our high school golf team but now that I think about it I realized that's not big enough of a goal. Now I'm shooting for the school record. It gives me more determination to reach this goal than just trying to win the 'birdie derby' in general. It's just like some of the pros listed in this book for example the LPGA golfer Pat Bradley she had the dreams of being player of the year and getting entered in the LPGA hall of fame she eventually got entered in the hall of fame. After that she didn't know what to do she didn't know what her dream would be she thought that golf was going to be part of the Olympics and would be played at Augusta national golf course, she made that her goal to play at Augusta national in the Olympics.

The committee eventually dropped the idea and she started to lose golf tournaments because she didn't have any goals to play for. I would recommend this book to any young person that plays sports for the main reason of it helps them know how to think on the field. Rotella gives great perspective on the focus one needs to have to be truly immersed in the activity you love. Though the dialogue is is intended for the vast majority that (rightfully) love 'ball golf,' the message is easily interpreted for anyone who enjoys competitive matter what it is they love. For me it's disc golf, which makes the verbiage translate easily. Rotella artistically postulates that by focusing on the the little things - the tiniest of details - and visualizing Dr.

Rotella gives great perspective on the focus one needs to have to be truly immersed in the activity you love. Though the dialogue is is intended for the vast majority that (rightfully) love 'ball golf,' the message is easily interpreted for anyone who enjoys competitive matter what it is they love. For me it's disc golf, which makes the verbiage translate easily. Rotella artistically postulates that by focusing on the the little things - the tiniest of details - and visualizing the result of that focus, we force our brains to act as if the action has already happened. This forces us to relax and muscle-memory takes over. While not necessarily an absolute certainty in practical application, the reiteration of the various subliminal messages contained in this book help to reinforce the importance of taking your time and playing YOUR game. I bought this on audiobook and listen to it on my way to disc golf tournaments.

I can't claim that the book itself has shaved strokes off my scorecard, but it most definitely gives perspective on not only the importance of the game (or lack thereof) and solidifies the idea that games are meant for relaxation. In other words - and at the risk of sounding overtly existential - it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. In short, this book is a MUST for anyone who plays competitive games and wants to improve.

Your game of choice doesn't matter as much as your desire to improve. If that's you, give this book a read. It will change your game. Although some of the illustrations are somewhat dated, the wisdom and common sense advice is timeless.

Golfers are somewhat quick to suggest the relationship of golf to life, but this book reminds us that many of the traits, behaviors, and actions which help produce better golfers can also make us better humans. (OK, obligatory golf=life comment is out of the way). Rotella's guidance and comments are far more than psychological 'mumbo-jumbo.'

Apart from the talk about having the right kind of at Although some of the illustrations are somewhat dated, the wisdom and common sense advice is timeless. Golfers are somewhat quick to suggest the relationship of golf to life, but this book reminds us that many of the traits, behaviors, and actions which help produce better golfers can also make us better humans.

(OK, obligatory golf=life comment is out of the way). Rotella's guidance and comments are far more than psychological 'mumbo-jumbo.'

Apart from the talk about having the right kind of attitude, I believe the most helpful of Rotella's teaching is on how to develop a mental and tactical strategy for a round of golf. This is a great read for 'off-season' golfing and should be one you re-read annually if you want to sharpen your golf mental skills. Golf can be compare to many parts of life, and Rotella shows that effectively in this book. Often in life, patience is necessary, especially when somebody else is doing something, and you need the supplies they are using or the product they are producing.

In golf, such patience is also necessary. Often, if a fellow competitor makes birdie, I feel I need to make birdie right away. However, most tournaments are more than eighteen holes, and even the ones that aren't have lots of time left. Patienc Golf can be compare to many parts of life, and Rotella shows that effectively in this book. Often in life, patience is necessary, especially when somebody else is doing something, and you need the supplies they are using or the product they are producing.

In golf, such patience is also necessary. Often, if a fellow competitor makes birdie, I feel I need to make birdie right away.

However, most tournaments are more than eighteen holes, and even the ones that aren't have lots of time left. Patience is necessary because if I attempt to make birdie right away, there is a very high likelihood I will try too hard to make birdie and make a high number on the hole. Rotella preaches you can be patient and get much better results, which is very helpful to me.

In my perspective, this is one of the most important books you can read about golf. If your a serious competitor or a guy who just loves the game of golf and plays for fun. This book is the one to read. It tells you the most important facts and state of mind you need to know about the game of golf and you'll realize that this sport isn't just a game. Its basically a life style. Everyone who plays golf tries to get the good swing they can get to play and don't even realize that there will be no e In my perspective, this is one of the most important books you can read about golf. If your a serious competitor or a guy who just loves the game of golf and plays for fun.

This book is the one to read. It tells you the most important facts and state of mind you need to know about the game of golf and you'll realize that this sport isn't just a game. Its basically a life style.

Everyone who plays golf tries to get the good swing they can get to play and don't even realize that there will be no end to it. There are millions of people who try to perfect this game and be the best, and yes pro golfers to. But it's not about getting perfect, and this book will tell you very well why it is not. So far this book has caught me in the reading because of the great content it has. My appreciation as a reader of this book is that give you a lot of tips and it tells you how to improve your attitude in your respective sport.

My advice to other people who want to read this book is that the book is not only about golf such as the title show it, it has many interesting tips and stories from other sports. I really recommend those persons who makes a specific sport. I find this book really interest So far this book has caught me in the reading because of the great content it has. My appreciation as a reader of this book is that give you a lot of tips and it tells you how to improve your attitude in your respective sport.

My advice to other people who want to read this book is that the book is not only about golf such as the title show it, it has many interesting tips and stories from other sports. I really recommend those persons who makes a specific sport. I find this book really interesting.

It makes people improve in their respective sports, it also gives people tips and short phrases that are totally true and applicable for the life. This book by Bob Rotella is one of the best golf books I have ever read. I had the chance to meet Rotella in person and listen to what he thinks, and it was really great. After I saw him give his speech here where I live, I decided to read the book. I was skeptical at first, and didn't think it would help my golfing game that much, but it really made a difference. My handicap has gotten way better since I have read this book. I am almost down to a scratch golfer.

The book has so many great tips This book by Bob Rotella is one of the best golf books I have ever read. I had the chance to meet Rotella in person and listen to what he thinks, and it was really great.

After I saw him give his speech here where I live, I decided to read the book. I was skeptical at first, and didn't think it would help my golfing game that much, but it really made a difference. My handicap has gotten way better since I have read this book. I am almost down to a scratch golfer.

The book has so many great tips on the mental part of the game. I would recommend this to anybody who plays a sport. Even if you don't play golf, I am pretty sure it can help with whatever sport you play. So much of playing is mental exercise that a sports psychologist can help improve your game almost as much as a swing instructor. You don't need reflexes to hit the ball like in tennis. You don't need quick fast-firing muscles like you need to hit a baseball. You can stand and prepare to swing a golf club until you're ready to swing.

There are no defenders to block your shot. So if you can hit a great golf shot once, why can't you do it every time? Answer: your brain gets in the way.

Expectations So much of playing is mental exercise that a sports psychologist can help improve your game almost as much as a swing instructor. You don't need reflexes to hit the ball like in tennis. You don't need quick fast-firing muscles like you need to hit a baseball. You can stand and prepare to swing a golf club until you're ready to swing. There are no defenders to block your shot.

So if you can hit a great golf shot once, why can't you do it every time? Answer: your brain gets in the way. Expectations, nerves, anxiety, etc. Rotella's book is a helpful guide to thinking (or not thinking) your way around a golf course. Every golfer could benefit from the book.

The book golf is not a game of perfect was a very interesting book about the misconceptions of what players think and handle the game of golf when playing. Rob Rotella does a great job of showing and proving that in order to be good at the game you don't have to hit perfect shots all the time.

Bob Rotella Golf Is Not A Game Of Perfect

He made me realize that in order to be good at the game you have to have a plan going in to your round and in order to be good this was needed. I loved the book and recommend it to anyone who is intere The book golf is not a game of perfect was a very interesting book about the misconceptions of what players think and handle the game of golf when playing. Rob Rotella does a great job of showing and proving that in order to be good at the game you don't have to hit perfect shots all the time. He made me realize that in order to be good at the game you have to have a plan going in to your round and in order to be good this was needed. I loved the book and recommend it to anyone who is interested in improving their game from a psychological standpoint.

Bob Rotella

Filled with insightful stories about golf, Dr. Bob Rotella’s delightful book will improve the game of even the most casual weekend player. Bob Rotella is one of the hottest performance consultants in America today. Among his many professional clients are Nick Price (last year's Player of the Year), Tom Kite, Davis Love III, Pat Bradley, Brad Faxon, John Daly, and many others.

Rotella, or “Doc,” as most players refer to him, goes beyond just the usual mental aspects of the game and the reliance on specific techniques. What Rotella does here in this extraordinary book, and with his clients, is to create an attitude and a mindset about all aspects of a golfer's game, from mental preparation to competition. The most wonderful aspect of it all is that it is done in a conversational fashion, in a dynamic blend of anecdote and lesson. And, as some of the world's greatest golfers will attest, the results are spectacular. Golfers will improve their golf game and have more fun playing. Some of Rotella's maxims include: -On the first tee, a golfer must expect only two things of himself: to have fun, and to focus his mind properly on every shot.Golfers must learn to love 'the challenge when they hit a ball into the rough, trees, or sand.

The alternatives—anger, fear, whining, and cheating—do no good.Confidence is crucial to good golf. Confidence is simply the aggregate of the thoughts you have about yourself.It is more important to be decisive than to be correct when preparing to play any golf shot or putt. Filled with delightful and insightful stories about golf and the golfers Rotella works with, Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect will improve the game of even the most casual weekend player. 'synopsis' may belong to another edition of this title. Review: One of golf guru Jim Flick's mantras is that golf is 90 percent mental, and the other 10 percent is mental, too. Bob Rotella, a noted sports psychologist and performance consultant, roots around the golfer's mind to expose-and analyze-the doubts, the fears, and the frustrations that haunt anyone who's ever picked up a club and swung it.

Golf Is Not A Game Of Perfect Free Download

Through anecdote and aphorism he suggests how these mental and emotional hazards can be played through, and, regardless of skill level, how teeing off with a more positive and confident outlook will translate into better performance. From the Back Cover: Dr. Bob Rotella is one of the hottest performance consultants in America today. Among his many professional clients are Nick Price (last year's Player of the Year), Tom Kite, Davis Love III, Pat Bradley, Brad Faxon, John Daly, and many others.

Rotella, or 'Doc', as most players refer to him, goes beyond just the usual mental aspects of the game and the reliance on specific techniques. What Rotella does here in this extraordinary book, and with his clients, is to create an attitude and a mindset about all aspects of a golfer's game, from mental preparation to competition. The most wonderful aspect of it all is that it is done in a conversational fashion, in a dynamic blend of anecdote and lesson. And, as some of the world's greatest golfers will attest, the results are spectacular. Golfers will improve their golf game and have more fun playing.

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'About this title' may belong to another edition of this title.

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