Teacher Stress And Burnout An International Review Pdf

Teacher Stress And Burnout An International Review Pdf
  1. University Of York
Teacher stress and burnout an international review

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Abstract Burnout is a concept which was born in the mid 1970’s in the USA and with astonishing rapidity has become a catch-word to convey an almost unlimited variety of social and personal problems afflicting workers. It describes a specific dysfunction among helping professionals, believed to be the result of excessive demands made upon their energy, strength and resources. Although a clearly agreed upon definition does not exist, burnout is characterized by the inability to be sufficiently concerned about and involved with service recipients. A burnt out worker tends to withdraw emotionally from the demands of the job. Burnout is reflected in emotional exhaustion and apathy, physical fatigue, lack of energy, psychosomatic illness, increased alcohol and drug consumption, cynicism, inappropriate anger, depression and lack of personal achievements. Now, it is observed that teachers are also showing symptoms of burnout, which directly or indirectly affect their teaching performance. Motivated by these reasons the investigators decided to investigate the status of burnout among secondary school teachers and assess its extent in Indian teachers.

Chris Kyriacou

University Of York

146 Educational Research Volume 29 Number 2 June 1987 Teacher stress and burnout: an international review Chris Kyriacou, Department of Education, University of York.

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