Msde Installation Failed While Installing Qc


Consider a scenario where you are doing a new install ation of SQL Server 2000 MSDE on a computer and you get messages like: Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and setup error logs for more information Normally, we enable verbose logging for the MSDE setup and try to figure out the reason of the failure.

QC 9 installation gives problem when configuring database Hi i am trying to install QC 9 on win xp spk2. I installed IIS, i tried installing without m.

In case you don’t know how to enable verbose logging while doing MSDE setups please refer to following command that needs to be run from command prompt:%Root of the MSDE setup files%setup INSTANCENAME='InstanceName' SAPWD='AStrongSAPwd' /L.v C:/MSDELog.log In one of the peculiar scenarios on which I worked, I found following messages in the verbose log: Starting custom action ConfigServer Executing 'C: Program Files Microsoft SQL Server 80 Tools Binn cnfgsvr.exe -V 1 -M 1 -U sa -I 'PMTS' -Q 'SQLLatin1GeneralCP1CIAS' MSI (c) (2C:FC) 18:28:07:532: Font created. Charset: Req=0, Ret=0, Font: Req=MS Shell Dlg, Ret=MS Shell Dlg Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and setup error logs for more information. MSI (s) (68!60) 18:28:16:797: Product: Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (PMTS) - Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and setup error logs for more information.

Action ended 18:28:16: InstallFinalize. Return value 3. This error message will tell you that the issue was with the configuration of the server and we need to review SQL Error Logs and Setup logs verbose logs.

This seems to be the case wherein the services of SQL Server are not getting started. After setup would fail you will find C: Program Files Microsoft SQL Server MSSQL LOG directory. Under this directory you will see number of stack dump text files which will be in a readable format. You might see something like the one given below: 00FCF720: 00FCFECC 00A999BA C000001D 00000000. 00FCF730: 0000000 006E0028 006D0075.(.n.u.m. 00FCF740: 004D004 00200026 006E0028 S.M.T.&.(.n. 00FCF750: 006D0075 004D004 0020002D u.m.S.M.T.

00FCF760: 0020029 003D003D 00300020 1.).).=.=.0. 00FCF770: 00A002 00720065.s.e.r.v.e.r.

00FCF780: 0061006D 0063002E 00A0000 m.a.c. 00FCF790: 00000003 178BFBFF 0000060.`.

00FCF7A0: 00FCF774 FFFFFFFF 0000001 t. 00FCF7B0: 61636F4C 6E6F69A 65767265 Location. Serve 00FCF7C0: 2E63A63 450A338 rma.c:2833.Expre 00FCF7D0: 6F63A6E 6D74D53 ssion. (numSMT 00FCF7E0: 6E282026 4D536D75 202D201 & (numSMT - 1)) 00FCF7F0: 30203D3D 4950530A 09093A44 500A3020 0.SPID.

0.P 00FCF800: 6567373 2003931 rocess ID. 1932 00FCF810: 00000000 00FCF770 7C90E900 00FCF930.p. 0. 00FCF820: 7C90E900 7C910040 FFFFFFFF 7C91003D. @.=. 00FCF830: 7C91E1B2 001C000 001C2B40.@+. 00FCF840: 00FCF854 7C91E18C 001C2B40 001C2B40 T.

@+.@+. 00FCF850: 100046FC 7C9175D6 7C97B178 7C9175B4.F.u.

x.u. 00FCF860: 00C458D8 000004.X. EXPLANATION If you see the above stack clearly, setup is actually verifying a following condition: (.n.u.m.S.M.T.&.(.n.u.m.S.M.T.1.).).=.=.0.

S.e.r.v.e.r.m.a.c t. (numSMT & (numSMT - 1)) 0.SPID. 0.Process ID.

1932 The problem is in number of CPUs, SQL Server cannot be started if number of CPUs on a box not in power of 2. So, this machine has some strange CPU number, something like 3 CPUs. In my case I confirmed that the machine in fact had Tri Core Processor.

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Hi John, Thanks for the comments and the corrections. Dotfuscator community edition download. Please note that the path that I have given in the article applies to Named Instance, and the path you have given is applicable to default instance of SQL Server. However, there is always a scope for improvement 🙂 I have modified my article to include the registry path for both Default and Named Instance. The new article will be published in few days. In case of Default Instance HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMSSQLServerMSSQLServerParameters In case of Named InstanceHKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerInstanceNameMSSQLServerParameters. Hi Ron, I assume that you are referring to SQL Server 2000/MSDE.


By nature of SMT architecture, it cannot be used when the number of CPUs not in power of 2. Therefore, we have to use the above two trace flags to skip the SMT check. Use of the trace flags means that the SQL server will not be able to use some advance CPU features such as CPU ID and prefetching.

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Below are some reference links regarding these features. Hi Mike, 1) When you have these 2 trace flags enabled, SQL 2000 will only see processors which are power of 2 and won't be able to use the other processors which are NOT a power of 2. If you have 24 CPU, SQL will only use 16 (2^4) 2) If you are upgrading to SQL 2005, then you need to follow the workaround given here 3) If you are upgrading to SQL 2008, nothing needs to be done as SQL 2008 has support for tri/hex core processors and things will work smooth without the need for any trace flags Note: the 2 trace flags are needed ONLY on SQL 2000 and not required for SQL 2005 and above.

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