Vista Configuration Manager


You can install Configuration Manager 2007 client software on desktop and portable computers, which are typically thought of as 'client computers'. In addition, you can install Configuration Manager 2007 client software on server computers and manage them as clients of Configuration Manager 2007. Server computers often have specific operational requirements, for example, the times you can restart server computers might be more limited than desktop computers, Configuration Manager 2007 makes no functional distinction between server or client computers. Throughout the documentation, the term client computer can mean either a server in a server room or a computer on a user's desktop. Client computers typically connect to the organization network directly, either by being attached to the network or by using virtual private network (VPN) or dial-up access. In Configuration Manager 2007, client computers can also be managed by Configuration Manager 2007 sites if they have a connection to the Internet but never connect directly to the organization’s network.

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For example, a home-based worker could be managed by Configuration Manager 2007 without ever dialing into the corporate network. These clients are called Internet-based clients, and they require additional infrastructure support. For more information, see. Configuration Manager 2007 also supports installing the client components on mobile devices, such as devices running Windows Mobile or Windows CE.

Mobile device clients support many but not all of the features supported by standard clients. For example, you can deploy software to a client cell phone, but you cannot use remote control to provide troubleshooting assistance to the cell phone user. For more information, see. Microsoft supports running an embedded version of Windows on devices that are not traditional desktop, portable, or server computers. For example, Windows XP Embedded can be installed on automated teller machines or medical devices.

Configuration Manager 2007 components can be installed by the manufacturer on these devices along with the embedded operating system. Devices support many but not all of the features supported by standard clients. For more information, see. Throughout the documentation, the term 'client' is used to refer to all clients that run the Configuration Manager 2007 client components, while client computer is used to refer to servers, desktop computers, and portable computers. Discovering Clients. Configuration Manager 2007 can discover resources on the network by using several different discovery methods.

The following table describes the available discovery methods. Discovery Method Description Active Directory System Discovery Retrieves details about the computer, such as computer name, Active Directory container name, IP address, and Active Directory site. Active Directory System Group Discovery Cannot discover a computer that has not already been discovered by another method. If a resource has been discovered and is assigned to the site, Active Directory System Group Discovery extends other discovery methods by retrieving details such as organizational unit, global groups, universal groups, and nested groups. Active Directory User Discovery Retrieves information about user accounts created in Active Directory. Active Directory Security Group Discovery Retrieves security groups created in Active Directory.

Heartbeat Discovery Refresh Configuration Manager client computer discovery data in the site database. Unlike the other methods, this method works only on computers that already have the Configuration Manager 2007 installed.

Vista Configuration Manager

Network Discovery Searches the network for resources that meet a specific profile. Network discovery can discover resources that are. Listed in a router's Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache for a specified network subnet.

Running an SNMP agent and configured for a specified community. Configured as DHCP clients Each discovery method creates data discovery records (DDRs) for resources and sends them to the site database, even if the discovered resource cannot become a Configuration Manager 2007 client. For example, Network Discovery might discover routers and printers, which could be helpful for tracking purposes, but those devices will not actually be managed by Configuration Manager 2007. Mobile devices cannot be discovered until the mobile device client is installed. Computers running ActiveSync (for Windows XP clients) or Mobile Device Center (for Windows Vista clients) to synchronize with mobile devices can be discovered and the mobile device client can be installed on connected mobile devices. Note All resources for which DDRs have been created appear in the Configuration Manager 2007 console under the following part of the tree: Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Collections / All Systems. While you can discover resources but never install a single client, usually discovery is related to locating potential clients either before or as part of installing the client software that makes a computer manageable by Configuration Manager 2007.

Active Directory User Discovery and Active Directory Security Group Discovery let you to distribute software packages to users and groups instead of computers. Installing the Client Components. Configuration Manager 2007 provides several options for installing the client software.

The following table lists the client computer installation methods. Client Computer Installation Method Description Software update point installation Uses the Automatic Update configuration of a client to direct the client computer to a Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) computer configured as a Configuration Manager 2007 software update point. The client computer installs the Configuration Manager 2007 client software as if it was a software update. Client push installation Uses an account that has administrative credentials to access client computers and install the Configuration Manager 2007 client software. This method requires File and Print sharing and the related ports to be enabled on the client computer.

Manual client installation A user who has administrative credentials can install the client software by running CCMSetup on the client computer. A variety of switches modify the installation options. Group Policy installation Uses Group Policy software installation to install CCMSetup.msi. Imaging The client software can be added to an operating system image. This includes images created and deployed with Configuration Manager 2007 operating system deployment.

Software distribution Existing clients can be upgraded or redeployed using Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution. Mobile devices require different installation methods.

You can configure a client computer that synchronizes with a mobile device to install the mobile device client the next time that you dock the device. You can also install the client software on mobile devices from a memory card. Client Assignment. Clients must be assigned to a site before they can be managed by that site. Clients can be assigned to a site during installation or after installation.

Assigning a client requires either specifying a site code to use, or configuring the client to automatically assign to a site based on boundaries. If the client is not assigned to any site during the client installation phase, the client installation phase completes the installation of the client, but the client cannot be managed by Configuration Manager 2007. Clients cannot be assigned to secondary sites. They are always assigned to the parent primary site, but can reside in the boundaries of the secondary site, taking advantage of any proxy management points and distribution points at the secondary site.

This is because clients communicate with management points, and management points must communicate with a site database. Secondary sites do not have their own site database; they use the site database at their parent primary site. Authenticating Clients. Client agents are Configuration Manager 2007 components that run in addition to the base client components. If you install only the Configuration Manager client without enabling any client agents, Configuration Manager 2007 cannot manage the client.

Every client agent that you enable lets you use a different feature of Configuration Manager 2007. You can configure the client agents to suit your environment. The following table describes the client agents in Configuration Manager 2007. Client Agent Description Computer Client Agent Properties Configures how often client computers retrieve the policy that gives them their basic configuration settings. For example, after you configure the other client agent settings, Configuration Manager puts those settings into policy and sends them to the management point, and client computers poll for them on the schedule that you configure. This agent also controls settings that are common to several Configuration Manager features, for example, how often users are prompted with reminders about client operations and what customized organization names users see with the reminders. Device Client Agent Properties Configures all of the properties specific to mobile device clients.

Mobile device clients have settings for software distribution, software inventory, hardware inventory, and file collection. This agent also controls the polling interval used by mobile device clients. Hardware Inventory Client Agent Enables and configures the agent that collects a wide variety of information about the client computer. Information about the computer hardware is most commonly collected, but you can inventory any information stored in the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) repository of the computer, such as registry keys.

You can configure how often the client computer takes inventory. Software Inventory Client Agent Enables and configures which files Configuration Manager inventories and collects. Copies of collected files are stored in the Configuration Manager database. Advertised Programs Client Agent Enables and configures the software distribution feature.

Desired Configuration Management Client Agent Enables the client agent that evaluates whether computers are in compliance with configuration baselines that are assigned to them. You can also configure the default compliance evaluation schedule for assigned configuration baselines. Remote Tools Client Agent Enables Configuration Manager remote control and configures Configuration Manager integration with Remote Assistance.

Network Access Protection Client Agent Enables Configuration Manager Network Access Protection (NAP) and configures how client computers are evaluated for compliance by the Windows Network Policy Server. If client computers are not in compliance with the configured policies, for example, if they do not have specified software updates, NAP can prevent the client computers from access network resources until they complete remediation measures. Configuring this client agent without sufficient planning and deployment can prevent client computers from accessing the network.

Software Metering Client Agent Enables the agent that monitors which software is run and how often and configures how often software metering data is collected. Software Updates Client Agent Enables the agent that scans for and installs software updates on client computers. This agent lets you configure how often clients are re-evaluated for software updates that were previously installed.

Before you can use the software update feature, you must install Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and configure a software update point. There is no client agent for operating system deployment.

How to Fix 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager Errors After you encounter runtime problems, the very first point you must do should be to encounter it. Therefore, we strongly suggest using the downloadable 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager Repair Kit to fix 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager errors The following discussion features detailed instructions for fixing 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager errors in Windows system files. Both manual and automated techniques are described that are designed for novice and advanced users, respectively. The overview also provides basic troubleshooting procedures to follow in order to resolve typical causes of 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager error codes. What are 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager errors? A 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager error code is caused by a Hexadecimal formatting error.

That format is the most common one that software programmers employ for Windows system files and Windows OS-compatible hardware drivers and software apps. Laptop or computer gurus extremely suggest no less than 1GB of RAM for 32-bit method and 2GB for 64-bit method.

Manufacturers and developers of software apps and hardware drivers use different codes to indicate various types of errors. The 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager error message appears as a long numerical code along with a technical description of its cause. In many instances, a 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager error code could have multiple 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager parameters. Each hexadecimal code denotes a different memory address location that loaded instructions when the error was generated.

Additional messages associated with this matter:. Install 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager. Reinstall 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager. 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager crash. 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager is missing. Remove 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager.

Vista Configuration Manager

Download 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager. 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager virus How are 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager error codes caused?

Most 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager errors are due to damaged files in a Windows operating system. So make sure which the air stream within your computer system will not be obstructed by dust, filth or hair by cleaning your computer&#;s case and followers. This absolutely free area allows your computer to have a place for the swap file to improve in dimensions in addition to give extra room for short term documents.

Numerous events may trigger system file errors. Most common examples include: 1) incomplete software installation; 2) incomplete software uninstallation; 3) improperly deleted hardware drivers, and 4) improperly deleted software applications.

Also, 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager errors are very common during PC restarts that immediately follow a previous improper shutdown and recent virus or malware infection recovery. Such incidents often result in the corruption or even total deletion of essential Windows system files. When system files are missing or corrupted, data that is essential to run software applications properly cannot be linked correctly. Specific causes and solutions for 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager errors. The brings about for runtime errors tend to be misunderstood. Reboot your PC.

Insufficient memory errors are often resolved by merely rebooting the device. Try that simple task first to see if it fixes the error code problem. Insufficient RAM. Verify that your system has enough RAM to run various software applications. System requirements are typically included inside the package that the program CDs came in or listed on the software manufacturer’s website under “Documentation” or a similar heading. Memory mismanagement. Many applications require installation of memory management programs.

If your system already has a memory management application, uninstall it to see if that resolves the problem. Insufficient disk space: Before installing any new software or driver, verify free space availability of at least 100 to 500 megabytes on your PC’s hard drive. Any amount below that might prevent the swap file from expanding when required, due to inadequate free space. To check HD free space on Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, ME, XP, Vista, and 7, open “My Computer” or “Computer.” Then, place your mouse cursor over the desired and right click. Next, left click “Properties” on the pop-up menu. A dialog will open that displays the amount of free space and total storage capacity.

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Software program problems. If recurrent memory-related 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager errors occur when specific programs are executed, the software itself is likely at fault. Conduct a search and install any update or patches. If errors continue or no update(s) or patch(es) are available, contact the software designer or distributor for assistance. These programs that you just may possibly set up incorporate Pattern Micro&#;s Housecall, Bitdefender, McAfee, Panda Stability or you can try to find a lot more. System memory defects.

If all the above-listed steps fail to resolve memory-related 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager error codes, your PC’s memory may be the culprit. Defective or deteriorating memory can result in software memory errors and even cause the whole system to crash. Below are instructions to detect bad memory. First, temporarily from the RAM sink. Then, restart your system and see if programs run properly on just the older memory modules.

To diagnose system memory issues. Both Windows Vista and Windows 7 systems have a pre-installed Memory Diagnostics tool. To activate it, click the “Start” button and enter “memory” in the “Run” field. You will be prompted to select immediate restart or next restart to execute the memory test.

Easiest way to fix 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager errors Two methods for fixing 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager errors: Manual Method for Advanced Users. Boot up your system and login as Administrator. Click “Start,” then “All Programs” “Accessories” “System Tools” “System Restore.”. Inside the dialog box that opens, select “Restore computer to an earlier date” and click “Next.”. Select the system restore point with the latest date from “On this list, click a restore point.”.

Click “Next”. Click “Next” again on the confirmation dialog box that opens. Automatic System Restore will begin and restart the device once it completes. Automatic Solution for Novice PC Users (no manual option selections are required):. Download the 0x800706be Sql Server Configuration Manager Repair Tool. Install the application after download completes. Click the “Scan” button that appears on the first interface.

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Click the “Fix Errors” icon that will appear once the automatic scan has finished. Restart your system as usual Was this information useful? Yes Applies to: Microsoft Windows Update Microsoft Update Vista Business Vista Enterprise Vista Home Basic Vista Home Premium Windows Vista Starter Vista Ultimate Windows 7 Enterprise Windows 7 Home Basic Windows 7 Home Premium Windows 7 Professional Windows 7 Starter Windows 7 Ultimate Windows 8 Windows 8 Enterprise Windows 8 Professional.

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