Copy Selected Files Dos


How to copy files on your computer including how to copy. Right-click one of the highlighted files and select copy. How to copy a file in MS-DOS and the.

Using copy command, we can copy files from one directory to another directory. This command is similar to the Linux cp command, but it does not match with the full functionality of cp.

Batch File Copy Examples


Windows copy command can be used to copy files only, we can’t copy directories. The syntax and usecases of copy command are explained below with examples. Copy the contents of a file to another file copy sourceFile destinationFile Example: To copy a file from c: data file1.doc to D: backup file2.doc copy c: data file1.doc D: backup file2.doc If the destination file already exists you will be prompted for confirmation. To suppress this confirmation you can use /Y switch with copy command. This would be useful if you are executing copy command from a batch file. C copy /Y c: dir1 subdir1 file1.txt c: dir2 subdir2 file2.txt If the destination file exists, the above command will overwrite the same without asking the user for confirmation. Copy file to another directory When we specify a directory path as the destination, the files will be copied with the same name.


How To Copy Selected Area

We can assign a different name by specifying the new name in the destination path. Example is shown below. To copy the file 1.doc loated at c: data documents to the directory c: data newdocs c copy c: data documents 1.doc c: data newdocs Copy files with white space in name If the file name has white space within it, we can wrap up the name in double quotes. Example: To copy file, my resume.doc to another folder copy 'my resume.doc' D: data Copy multiple files We can’t specify multiple file names in copy command.

Dos Batch Copy

However, we can use wildcards to identify a group of files and then copy all of them in a single command. For example, to copy all excel files from current folder to another folder F: backup copy.xls F: backup To copy all files in current folder to another folder copy. D: dir1 dir2 Use of environment variables We can use environment variables in the copy command to specify the path of the folders. Like USERPROFILE, SystemRoot, ProgramFiles, TEMP, WINDIR, APPDATA, HOMEPATH. For example, to copy a file to a user’s documents folder Copy D: file.pdf%HOMEPATH% Documents The above command copies the file to the My Documents folder of the current logged in user. You may also want to read.

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