Supplier2 Schema Oracle 11g


I have a data dmp file exported from one schema user1 using. Import one schema into another new schema - Oracle. EXPORTDIR must be defined in oracle as a. Supplier2 Schema Oracle 11G Download. 6/13/2017 0 Comments Discoverer 1. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website.

There are none, the references to it must be hunted down and changed, the schema itself would have to be exported, and imported using 'fromuser=badname touser=goodname' (and even then, you would be responsible for grants to goodname and public synonyms) the easiest approach would be to change your view on the name of the schema:) that is, accept it for what it is and go with it. Else, lots of work. A transitory method would be: a) create good shema b) fill it with synonyms pointing to bad c) move things over time (leaving a synonym behind in badname pointing to goodname) d) when you believe the task to be complete, start dropping the synonyms (and probably watching for what 'breaks') and you rated our response. In 10G we are seeing renaming tablespace now, but i hope we dont have to wait 11x for renaming schema owner.

Since the user name is part of hashed password in data dictionary, so while renaming the user, it probably looks like this: alter user old rename to new identified by pwd, otherwise, oracle doesnot know how to get the hash value for the encrypted password. Internally, all dependancies should be referenced by user ID instead of user Name, just like not to update the PK. The password is the only thing i can imagine why oracle is not offerring renaming schema. Come on oracle, just a name change but we need this feature! Tom, I've been tasked with Uniting/Merging two schemas as Business has decided to unite two applications. Naturally, I am worried. Reading all posts, it looks like I need to use 0)Mind the common objects between them and formulate a strategy exclusively for them for their merge.

Mind any sequences if any that are common. 1)Export and Import from old schema to new schema 2)Mind the Grants To and From Old Schema 3)Check fixed referenceds like 'SCOTT.EMP' in all code of old schema and issue instructions to change them to be portable ie remove 'SCOTT'.

Oracle Schema User

Is that all to mind? Do you know of any strategy or any documentation or any Oracle recommended way that is accurate and safe for my purpose? Hi, I found a way to change schema for tables & indexes. Using transportable tablespace. If would be more simple if all data objects are in the tablespace set which does not contain data objects from another schemas, so 1. Create user newuser.

To newuser; 3. Execute dbmstts.transportsetcheck(.); 4.

Alter tablespace. Read only; 5. Exp transporttablespace=y tablespaces=. Drop tablespace.

Oracle 11g express edition

Including contents; 7. Imp transporttablespace=y tablespaces=. Fromuser=olduser touser=newuser 8. Create nondata objects in newuser schema 9.

drop user olduser cascade; 10. Alter tablespace. Read write; So you have changed owner of tables & indexes and created nondata objects in newuser schema with out of copiing large amount of data. I consider recreating nondata object as relatively quick comparing large table export/import.

Oracle Schema Table

Hope it could be useful. Hi, three years ago I had to merge two schemas together (move hundred objects from one schema to another) for multiple instances and it was lot of work. I couldn't use imp/exp or any other tool and had to write SQL script for it and I still have it. Lucky for me, there was only standard tables. I cannot recommend this as a proper solution, but I didn't find any other viable way how to solve my case and this worked for me. You might need to add additional limits to apply this only to your schemas.

Maybe some part of this script would be to any use to someone. I created user with capital letters in it's name. (username=RTH and password=RTH) Then I imported the data, granted many things. The developers were complaining about the user name. They needed lowercase username.

I could not rename it but I wanted to avoid the create user, import, grant processes. I did the followings: sqlplus '/as sysdba' SQL select. from v$version; Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production SQL show parameter case seccasesensitivelogon boolean TRUE SQL connect RTH/RTH Connected SQL connect rth/rth ERROR: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied SQL connect /as sysdba Connected. SQL alter user rth identified by rth; User altered. SQL connect rth/rth Connected SQL connect RTH/RTH ERROR: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied Why?

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