Foxit Pdf Preview Handler Office 2010


As noted in a on my for Outlook and Vista/Windows 7, there is an issue in the Office 2010 64-bit Beta (specifically Outlook) for executing 32-bit preview handlers on 64-bit Outlook. I’ve got an update for those temporarily. First, I can confirm that the issue is fixed in the later builds of Outlook 2010, so this fix is indeed only temporary. Thanks to some assistance that provided, I was able to provide a work around for my previewer that I’ve been able to confirm “works for me” on my installation of Outlook 64-bit on Windows 7 64-bit edition.

How to enable or disable the PDF File Preview option in Microsoft. The PDF Preview feature is. And Microsoft Office 2010; Enabling or disabling PDF Converter. Office 2010 pdf preview handler There are some new exciting changes in Office 2010 and they are. Which tool we are using to view PDF document, it is Sumatra.

WARNING: This temporary fix involves messing with your registry. You should do this with caution. While I’ve done it successfully and tested fine, don’t hold me responsible if you computer catches on fire or neighbor pet animals die by doing this. You should backup your registry before applying this to be safe. Again, that said, it’s minor, only updates my application area settings and shouldn’t interfere with your settings.

The fix involves massaging some registry settings. I’ve provided the registry settings in a file you can download here:.

There are two (2) registry files here. Even though they are labeled 32-bit and 64-bit, they both need to be merged for this fix to work. You should be able to double-click the.reg file and it will merge it auotomatically. Additionally you can start regedit.exe and use the Import option (this is what I do).


Once complete, and assuming you have my previewer installed, then PDF preview attachment with my handler for Outlook 64-bit should be fixed for you. Again, the requirement first here is that you have my installed FIRST. Please leave comments if this solved your issue.

This is ONLY for Outlook 2010 64-bit. This is not necessary if you are running Outlook 2010 (32-bit), even if you are on Windows 64-bit. That’s a lot of ‘bit’ talk I know.

Hope this helps! (and thanks Leo!).

As featured in - welcome LifeHacker visitors! You’ve likely reached this page as a result of a search or a referral. This page contains the most current links to download the Foxit PDF Preview Handler for Windows Vista, Office 2007 and Windows XP. The PDF Preview Handler is a piece of software written by myself with sponsorship from (providing the license so that we all can enjoy). Special thanks to Ryan Gregg for help with the Windows XP version. 2nd home pet resort columbus ga. These preview handlers are a part of Microsoft Windows Vista in the operating system as well as in Outlook 2007. For example, in Outlook 2007, if you receive an attachment that is a PDF you can click it and get a preview of that document right within Outlook without having to open the document in another program.

It is an extremely helpful feature of Outlook that I love and why I wrote this handler for PDFs. Microsoft did not provide a default one for PDFs as a part of Outlook or Vista. If you install Adobe Acrobat 8.1+ you will get one as well.

However, I am not a fan of Acrobat Reader as I think it is a slow application for what I use PDFs for – reading only. For this I prefer Foxit Reader as it is super light-weight and fast.

To download:. If you are using Windows Vista or WIndows 7, download. If you are using Windows XP and have Outlook 2007, install. This is free software available for you to use. It is not supported by Foxit Software, but supported by me. If you find issues, please let me know.

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