English Translator 3 Crack

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Crack crack, v. To burst or open in chinks; to break, with or without quite separating into parts.

By misfortune it cracked in the coling. The mirror cracked from side to side. To be ruined or impaired; to fail. collog. the credit of exchequers cracks, when little comes in and much goes out. To utter a loud or sharp, sudden sound.

As thunder when the clouds in autumn crack. To utter vain, pompous words; to brag; to boast; - with of. archaic. ethoipes of their sweet complexion crack. Crack crack (krăk), v. Cracked (krăkt); p. Cracking.

oe. Cracken, craken, to crack, break, boast, as. Cracian, cearcian, to crack; akin to d. Garj to rattle, or perh.

Of imitative origin. Crake, cracknel, creak. 1. To break or burst, with or without entire separation of the parts; as, to crack glass; to crack nuts. To rend with grief or pain; to affect deeply with sorrow; hence, to disorder; to distract; to craze. O, madam, my old heart is cracked.

He thought none poets till their brains were cracked. To cause to sound suddenly and sharply; to snap; as, to crack a whip. To utter smartly and sententiously; as, to crack a joke.

English Translator 3 Crack

To cry up; to extol; - followed by up. low similar words(9) toe crack crack-brained quarter crack to crack on sand crack to crack a bottle to crack a crib crack up crack-loo Dictionary source: More. A long narrow opening (synonym) cleft, crevice, fissure, scissure (hypernym) opening, gap (hyponym) chap 2. A narrow opening; 'he opened the window a crack' (synonym) gap (hypernym) opening (hyponym) lacuna, blank 3. A long narrow depression in a surface (synonym) crevice, cranny, fissure, chap (hypernym) depression, impression, imprint 4.

A sudden sharp noise; 'the crack of a whip'; 'he heard the cracking of the ice'; 'he can hear the snap of a twig' (synonym) cracking, snap (hypernym) noise 5. A chance to do something; 'he wanted a shot at the champion' (synonym) shot (hypernym) opportunity, chance (classification) colloquialism 6. Witty remark (synonym) wisecrack, sally, quip (hypernym) remark, comment 7. A blemish resulting from a break without complete separation of the parts; 'there was a crack in the mirror' (hypernym) blemish, defect, mar (hyponym) craze 8. A purified and potent form of cocaine that is smoked rather than snorted (synonym) tornado (hypernym) cocaine, cocain 9. A usually brief attempt; 'he took a crack at it'; 'I gave it a whirl' (synonym) fling, go, pass, whirl, offer (hypernym) attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, try 10.

The act of cracking something (synonym) fracture, cracking (hypernym) breakage, break, breaking Verb 1. Become fractured; break or crack on the surface only; 'The glass cracked when it was heated' (synonym) check, break (hypernym) change (verb-group) check, chink 2. Make a very sharp explosive sound; 'His gun cracked' (hypernym) sound, go (derivation) firecracker, cracker, banger 3. Make a sharp sound; 'his fingers snapped' (synonym) snap (hypernym) sound, go (derivation) cracker, snapper, cracker bonbon 4. Hit forcefully; deal a hard blow, making a cracking noise; 'The teacher cracked him across the face with a ruler' (hypernym) hit (derivation) fracture, cracking 5. Pass through (a barrier); 'Registrations cracked through the 30,000 mark in the county' (synonym) break through (hypernym) pass, go through, go across 6. Break partially but keep its integrity; 'The glass cracked' (hypernym) check, break (hyponym) chap (derivation) cleft, crevice, fissure, scissure 7.

Break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension; 'The rope snapped' (synonym) snap (hypernym) break, separate, split up, fall apart, come apart 8. Suffer a nervous breakdown (synonym) crack up, crock up, break up, collapse (hypernym) suffer, sustain, have, get 9.


Tell spontaneously; 'crack a joke' (hypernym) tell, narrate, recount, recite (derivation) wisecrack, sally, quip 10. Cause to become cracked; 'heat and light cracked the back of the leather chair' (hypernym) change, alter, modify (hyponym) check, chink (verb-group) check, break 11. Reduce (petroleum) to a simpler compound by cracking (hypernym) decompose, break up, break down (derivation) cracking (classification) chemistry, chemical science 12. Break into simpler molecules by means of heat; 'The petroleum cracked' (hypernym) change (derivation) cracking (classification) chemistry, chemical science Adjective 1.

Of the highest quality; 'an ace reporter'; 'a crack shot'; 'a first-rate golfer'; 'a super party'; 'played top-notch tennis'; 'an athlete in tiptop condition'; 'she is absolutely tops' (synonym) ace, A-one, first-rate, super, tiptop, topnotch, tops(p) (similar) superior (classification) colloquialism Dictionary source: More. ( a.) Of superior excellence; having qualities to be boasted of. ( n.) A boast; boasting. ( n.) A boy, generally a pert, lively boy. ( n.) A brief time; an instant; as, to be with one in a crack. ( n.) A crazy or crack-brained person. ( n.) A partial separation of parts, with or without a perceptible opening; a chink or fissure; a narrow breach; a crevice; as, a crack in timber, or in a wall, or in glass.

Spanish 3 Translator

( n.) A sharp, sudden sound or report; the sound of anything suddenly burst or broken; as, the crack of a falling house; the crack of thunder; the crack of a whip. ( n.) Breach of chastity. ( n.) Free conversation; friendly chat. ( n.) Mental flaw; a touch of craziness; partial insanity; as, he has a crack. ( n.) Rupture; flaw; breach, in a moral sense. ( n.) The tone of voice when changed at puberty.

I.) To be ruined or impaired; to fail. I.) To burst or open in chinks; to break, with or without quite separating into parts. I.) To utter a loud or sharp, sudden sound. I.) To utter vain, pompous words; to brag; to boast; - with of. T.) To break or burst, with or without entire separation of the parts; as, to crack glass; to crack nuts.

T.) To cause to sound suddenly and sharply; to snap; as, to crack a whip. T.) To cry up; to extol; - followed by up. T.) To rend with grief or pain; to affect deeply with sorrow; hence, to disorder; to distract; to craze.

T.) To utter smartly and sententiously; as, to crack a joke. Copyright: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), edited by Noah Porter.

Dictionary source: More. (1) To break into a computer system. The term was coined in the mid-80s by hackers who wanted to differentiate themselves from individuals whose sole purpose is to sneak through security systems. Whereas crackers sole aim is to break into secure systems, hackers are more interested in gaining knowledge about computer systems and possibly using this knowledge for playful pranks.

Although hackers still argue that there's a big difference between what they do and what crackers do, the mass media has failed to understand the distinction, so the two terms - hack and crack - are often used interchangeably. (2) To copy commercial software illegally by breaking (cracking) the various copy-protection and registration techniques being used. Dictionary source: More. Break into (a safe, vault, etc.); 2. Gain unauthorised access to a computer; break the security code on a piece of software; to break an encryption code; 3.

Solve (a mystery, etc.); 4. Obtain: “crack an invite”; 5. Tell (a joke); say (something humorous): “cracked a funny”; 6. Open and drink (a bottle of wine, etc.): “Let's crack a bottle of champers”; 7. Give way to pressure; 8. Win a free game on a pinball machine; 9. Try; an opportunity or chance: “I'd like a crack at that job”; 10.

Anal cleft; the anus; 11. Joke; gibe; 12. Highly-addictive form of cocaine prepared for smoking; 13. ( offensive) the vagina or vulva; 14.

(computers) file with information about cracking computer games, giving cheat codes, instructions, patches, etc.; 15. Of superior excellence; first-rate: “a crack rider” (of one's stomach) distended from having eaten a great deal become violent or angry get an erection, get a boner express extreme anger or rage to open a can of beer have obtained sexual intercourse; be successful to make a pass at; chat up; seduce urge to greater effort 1. Suffer a physical, mental or moral breakdown; 2. Break into controllable laughter; 3.

Cause to laugh uncontrollably; amuse (something) as described; as it is supposed to be: 'It isn't all it's cracked up to be' addict of the drug crack cocaine 1. First-rate; fine; excellent; 2. Fast; vigorous: 'a cracking pace' eccentric or insane person; eccentric; insane; impractical crack of dawn an appeal for justice start an activity, especially energetically get up early 1. Difficult question, undertaking, or problem; 2. Person who is difficult to convince, understand, or know to give something a try Dictionary source: More. Crack in Arabic VI يطقطق، يتفرقع ينصدع، ينفلع، ينشق ينهار ، يتحطم يصبح اجش ينطلق بسرعة يلغو ، يثرثر(ع)= يتبجح (ع) يتكسر T يصدع، يفلع،يشق = يكسر يطلق يصفع يفتح ليشرب = يفتح ليدرس = يحل رموز كذا = يسطو على ، يقتحم يحطم = يجعل (الصوت) اجش = يسحق ، يحزن حزنا شديدا = يمدح، يطرى يفرقع ، يجعله يطلق صوتا حادا يكسر N طقطقة ، فرقعة ، صوت مفاجئ حاد = طلقة لغو ، حديث = نكتة فلع ، صدع ، شق = فتحة ضيقة ضعف، خلل، مس من جنون = بحة = شخص غريب الاطوال لحظة سطو = لص (ع) ضربة مدوية محاولة ، تجربة تبجح ، كذبة (ع) ADJ ممتاز ، متفوق Dictionary source: More. Pocnet; pocnitura; trosnet; trosnitura 2.

Deschizatura ingusta 3. Crapatura, spartura, fisura 4. Lovitura zdravana; pumn zdravan; palma / (F.) scatoalca zdravana 5. (at) incercare (de cu inf.) 6.

Vorba de duh, spirit; gluma, raspuns (sau) remarca spirituala 7. Schimbare brusca a vocii; voce sparta 8. Spargere (sau) spargator 9. Cot; curbura 10. Indoitura II. De calitate superioara, excelent, (F.) formidabil, calitatea intii 2. Foarte indeminatic (sau) priceput; (d.

Tintasi etc.) de elita III. A pocni din, a trosni din, a face sa pocneasca 2. A crapa, a face sa crape / plesneasca, a face o crapatura (sau) crapaturi in 3. A sparge, a deschide (un seif etc.) 4. A destupa (o sticla) 5. A strica, a deteriora; a intrerupe 6. A schimba brusc (vocea, directia etc.) 7.

A pocni, a lovi; a se lovi cu (capul etc.) 8. A descoperi secretul / taina (cu gen.) 9. A sti sa spuna (o gluma) a spune in mod amuzant 10. A craca (petrolul) IV. A pocni, a trosni 2.

Middle English Translator

A plesni, a crapa 3. Seminte etc.) a crapa, a se desface, a se deschide 4. Nivel, voce, directie etc.) a se schimba brusc (sau) radical 5.

A da gres, a nu reusi; a-si pierde controlul (sau) eficacitatea 6. (F.) a se darima, - a claca 7. Petrol) a se descompune prin cracare Dictionary source: More. بڑا- عمدہ- کڑاکے کا- تڑاقے کا One of our crack speakers in the Commons. (Dickens) مجلس وکلاء ميں ہمارا ايک تراقے کا بولنے والا n. Fissure تڑک- بال- خط- لکير- درز- شگاف- شق- تريڑ- دراڑ- دڑکا- نشان a crack in a wall ديوار ميں تريڑ يا درز 2.

Chinese To English Translator

A sharp sound کڑک- کڑاکا- کڑکڑاہٹ- چٹاکا- دھڑ- چڑ the crack of a whip کوڑے کي پھٹکار v. Shiver کڑکانا- چٹکانا- تڑکانا- مڑکانا- پھاڑنا- توڑنا- پھوڑنا- بال ڈالنا- درز ڈالنا- شق کرنا to crack a nut بادام پھوڑنا 2. Snap چٹکانا- پھٹکارنا to crack a whip کوڑا چٹکانا 3. Utter smartly ٹھٹا مارنا- لاف زني کرنا to crack a joke ٹھٹا مارنا crack a louse جوں مارنا crack one's fingers اُنگلياں چٹخانا- چٹکي بجانا v.

Burst کڑکنا- کڑاکا ہونا- چٹاخا ہونا- بھڑاکا ہونا- آوازہ ہونا I will board her though she chide as loud As thunder when the clouds in autumn crack. Dictionary source: More.

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