Best Link To The Past Rom Hack


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ROM Hacks: New Hacks Added to. Zelda A Link to the Past Master Quest Hack of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Hack Information.

Hyrule Magic is the principal Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past editor. The Legend of Zelda: Parallel Worlds - A new hack released by Euclid and. This massive hack to the SNES' Link to the Past, released on Dec. 30, was the product of four years work by dozens of contributors, and the results are pretty astounding. A completely new story, new overworld and dungeon maps, new items, new characters and a new interface make this more like a full-on sequel than a simple sprite hack.

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On those days we only allow text posts directly about the games themselves. Zelda Subreddits. Sub for the game. the Zelda screenshot community. focused on the fabled celebration stance Link is famous for.

discussion, theories, and news only. based on the language. for the game. For uh, your circle jerk needs. A of the above Nintendo Family BoTW Daily Megathreads Participate in our daily megathreads depending on how far you are into the game. Warning spoilers are in these threads!. Shout outs to ShadowOne333- the maker of this ROM hack.

Nokia 3110c software mobile phone. He's dedicated to modernizing classic games and essentially perfecting them. He's made this as well as a ROM hack for EarthBound called 'MaternalBound'. I recommend you guys check out both. Note that I'm linking you guys to the.ips patch file- you need to already own the ROM. Features include: Change Link’s hair to blonde. Change Agahnim colours to match the original red robe and blue skin artwork. Change the Flute’s name to Ocarina (I don’t know in what world that instrument is a flute).

This includes in-game text too. Change the Good Bee’s name to Golden Bee. Change Faerie to Fairy. This includes in-game text too. Change Pegasus Shoes to Pegasus Boots.

This includes in-game text too. Change all the references of the “Wise Men” to “Sages”.

Change the layout of the Ice Palace to that of the GBA port. You’ll no longer need the Cane of Byrna to finish the Ice Palace! Changed Witch Hut sprite for Maple. Improved Pegasus boots, turn while running Break pots with sword Collect items with sword Cancel flute transport Death counter no longer increments when selecting “Save and Quit” And several bug fixes.

Tbh, he had me at 'Changes Link's hair to Blonde'. The purple hair always bugged me being a new age Zelda player.

Hello out there, I'am IntimFuchtler and I would like to show you my Hack The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past: Hylian Legacy Download, Credits included: It's my first released Hack ever, changing all Dungeons and some minor Overworld edits. So it's kind of a half Hack. Hello out there, I'am IntimFuchtler and I would like to show you my Hack A Link to the Dungeons (Name is pending, I still don't know something better) It's my first released Hack ever, changing all Dungeons and some minor Overworld edits. So it's kind of a half Hack.This was totally unexpected. I checked this game with Hyrule Magic and I have to say you have talent and great skills.

Lots has been changed and certain rooms really are a wounderful design. Doing so much edits with one rom and not bug it out is also an achievement. You definitely deserve that green Rom Hacker status (not many people I know can edit dungeons with that kind of skill - note to others: some rooms really are an overhaul with bg1 and bg2 definitions all done correctly, containing bridges and this is difficult to make). Since you didn't change overworlds that much this makes me want to finalize some dungeons even more, change some of the indoor gfx and merge it with Parallel Worlds overworlds to come up with one fine game, which would hopefully be a worthy ancestor of the famous Alttp (this is just an idea, which needs the approval of all contributors). Somekind of a Zeldix presents game, specially if I toss in some of the Goddess of Wisdom dungeons and PW Sheik's hideout, which actually are popular with the general croud. Since I could utilize RT's function to have 320 rooms instead of 295.

Whoa, thanks a lot Well some later Dungeons may need some tweaking, I don't know if the game flows that good how it does for me, cuz' I know everything. I tried my best to make some good (in my opinion) design choices. There were/are some bugs left and I think the rom doesn't have much space left for object data because I didn't changed anything regarding this (I used up all Dungeon Rooms and removed some Overworld Sprites to make room for more Dungeon ones). Anyway, the Game is now 95% done, only many minor things left to do (but i was quite lazy the last few weeks/months, busy with other stuff).

If someone is interested in making a Overworld for this game, I wouldn't say no. But first I need to finish it and give proper credit to all people (there are a few people missing). I think the rom doesn't have much space left for object data because I didn't changed anything regarding this (I used up all Dungeon Rooms and removed some Overworld Sprites to make room for more Dungeon ones).That's really not a problem. With my method of dungeon hex gluing I can have 'unlimited' space for dungeon objects, 25 extra dungeon rooms, and 'unlimited' dungeon sprites, items and max possible space for room-header.

Basically it is not unlimited, since the emulator/hardware could not handle such an amount of sprites even on FastRom (and would go into a slowdown). If someone is interested in making a Overworld for this game, I wouldn't say no. But first I need to finish it and give proper credit to all people (there are a few people missing).Sure. PS If this was your first attempt at dungeon design, than this is really great work. Despite the fact I haven't yet tested the rom in-game, we definitely did not expect such work from a fairly unknown name. PPS You can read my Vital hex addresses (the one which contains the info on the ending sequence, should be somewhere in the Documents section or in the Compendium document) to write your name in the ending credits using a hex editor.

Post number 4 on the upper link. Last edited by Puzzledude on Tue 5 Apr 2016 - 15:42; edited 1 time in total. Puzzledude wrote: If this was your first attempt at dungeon design, than this is really great work. Despite the fact I haven't yet tested the rom in-game, we definitely did not expect such work from a fairly unknown name.

Well this was my first try editing Zelda 3. The Room you fall into from the Hyrule Castle Garden was my first Room with Hyrule Magic. I hack/hacked other games before but never released anything either because I wasn't pleased with my stuff or I didn't finished it.

Best Link To The Past Rom Hack

Currently I go for an complete Yoshi Island Hack (far frome done). I already saw the credit releated stuff in the guide. There are a few Patches I need to patch into my rom. Like the Mothula fix and stuff.

Also I think the ToT Patch messed something up with my rom (or the minibosspatch asm) because I cant't use the Statue Sprite anymore (the one which you can pull around) without crashing the game when I enter the Room the sprite is in. But I released the game now to get some feedback so I can improve the final game. Edit: Thanks Didn't know about that stuff I hope my Hack can hold up to you're expactions^^. Hi and welcome onboard. Unfortunately for you I am retired and do only small jobs here and there, especially - or better: only- for PU. As for boss introduction messages you can check this out: The patch would work in any room, except the entrance room of a dungeon.

I also hacked in a check whether the boss is defeated. If you intend to use other rooms, and do not want to have respawning messages, you need asm knowledge to adjust my code (as said, I am of no help).

You could avoid respawning by using other room specific stuff that goes into sram (opened chests/doors). Showing up pendants after meeting the priest would be possible for sure with. Again asm knowledge. This is what you need to manipulate (MoN's sram log): Code: Map Icons Indicator 2 (value, not bitwise) $3C7: 0x00 -???? 0x03 - The Three Pendants 0x04 - Master Sword in Lost Woods 0x05 - Agahnim (skull icon at Hyrule Castle) 0x06 - Just crystal 1 shown (Sahasrala's idea) 0x07 - All crystals shown 0x08 - Agahnim (skull icon at Ganon's Tower) All values beyond 8 are invalid, it seems.

On a second thought, my patch might be easily adjustable Sniplet of my code: Code: LDA $A0; check whether boss is defeated ASL A TAX LDA $7EF000,x AND #$0800; Isolate Boss bit BEQ $03 Sep #$30 RTL You see it isolates the boss bit. If set the boss is defeated.

Here are the room info's by MoN, which can also be used to couple it (as you see, the boss is bit 4 of high byte (AND $0800). Code: High Byte Low Byte d d d d b k ck cr c c c c q q q q c - chest, big key chest, or big key lock. Any combination of them totalling to 6 is valid. Q - quadrants visited: k - key or item (such as a 300 rupee gift) d - door opened (either unlocked, bombed or other means) r - special rupee tiles, whether they've been obtained or not. B - boss battle won So for example you'd need to change AND #$0800; Isolate Boss bit to AND #$0400 to couple it on a key in this room. Last edited by Conn on Tue 5 Apr 2016 - 17:26; edited 1 time in total.

High Byte Low Byte d d d d b k ck cr c c c c q q q q c - chest, big key chest, or big key lock. Any combination of them totalling to 6 is valid. Q - quadrants visited A similar code is executed in PU where Euclid made an asm to hear a sound when a key is near in case you have the compass. This is also quadrant specific and cannot be done via room only.

Besides the quadrants visited are stored in sram area, you can also check them according to this image in ram $21 and $23 - it is PU adjusted but you get the idea. I was searching for Dungeons Introducing Messages and Boss Messages. But some of my Boss Rooms are also used by the Dungeons as normal Dungeon Rooms.

So I need a Message asm which will only show a Message if I'am in a specific part of the Room (like in the South-West Part in a Room with Layout 0), if this is even possible. Well I have to look into it, I know at least a little bit of asm.You can either go with the Asm, but there is also a much easier solution possible.

You use the message stone element and place it on a wall or a big statue. Then you set the telepatic message in the room header to (for instance monologue 170). Now you edit the monologue 170 to your text. Then you can read the message in any part of dungeons by pressing A infront of the element (can also be in south west, or on bg1 and bg2). I'm guessing you want to tell something to the player in the dungeon (hints on how to solve maybe). The initial asm is actually a lot more complex - it will pop up a message only if Zelda is following you and on exact X and Y of the room.

And the boss message asm was initially meant in boss rooms only (boss speaking before the fight). I testet the Water Room Headers many times tow work with my Hack. The 2 Rooms which uses the Turn on Water Header in the original Game only works in the Rooms they where originaly in, otherwise you need to do some Hex-Edits I believe. Also if you don't put them in the same Coordinates they will refill the water very slowly (although this does happen in my hack but it isn't that bad). The Turn of Water Header works in all Room just fine, just look them up in the original Game to understand how they work. I also encountered the Watergate Bug, so I simply removed it from my Hack (although I read in the forum how to fix it). Level 5 in the Dark World uses these Headers a lot, it's also one of my best Dark World Dungeons I think.

Anyway, thanks for the compliment^^ Edit: Yes this is my first Zelda 3 Hack, but it isn't that great. I only wanted to test out my Dungeon Design Skills until I start a full Zelda 3 Hack (but I already had hacking experience from other games, metroid for example). I intended to make that extra dungeon a bit harder early on, cause' you can get that one required item pretty easy, skipping roughly half of the dungeon, leaving the other part optional but rewarding. The central room on B3 took a while to make. Also in my current version I made that one Eye Laser in the bottom room of B3 a bit easier, because it's pretty hard to dodge (but still, there is no point where you have to take damage in my hack, everything is possible). I just finished editing the ingame Credits, except the Quest History. Now only the messages and map tiles remain.

And of course some balancing after I get more feedback. By the way, I made a list of all Hex Pointers regarding the Credits, if they aren't already uploaded here somewhere.

Edit: I came up with a new Name: The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past: Hylian Legacy Pretty long though Last edited by IntimFuchtler on Sat 9 Apr 2016 - 7:52; edited 1 time in total. Puzzledude wrote:notes on level-4 not sure if you know, but the game will not allow a pipe and hurting pits at the same time, namely if you use the pipe and fall down and get respawned back to the entrance you have entered, you can not use the same pipe anymore (I will probably ask Conn to be able to fix this with some small ASM trace to figuere out what to edit in hex, so that the game will not do that - usually he will need a ROM and snes9x savestate in the room with the problem to be able to trace)I noticed that strange behaviour during my testruns but I didn't know how to fix this. Eventually I forgot about this a bit later in development. It would be great if you guys know a way how to fix this.

Puzzledude wrote:notes on level-5 very well utilizing of the water effect (it's a miaracle the game does not bug out on so many water effect rooms)This was one fun dungeon to make^^ It had many bugs while creating it, for example Link occesinally jumping up stairs instead of going upstairs/downstairs normaly, sometimes stairs leading to differnt rooms didn't worked as they should and so on. But in the end it all worked out good, although there were some more water puzzles planned, but they would bugged the level. Puzzledude wrote:notes on level-6 some parts may be to difficult for average player and players in general, improvement possibility - the path in which you need to hit the arrow target to move the wall is altogether optional (the same path reversed is a dead end - must be picked up by falling hand - wallmaster) This dungeon was meant to show players that things are getting serious now.

Maybe that one room with the 2 BigSpikeBlocks right next to each other (where the compass is) is too hard, you have to be pretty perfect to avoid damage. But still, I could tune down the difficulty a bit if others are feeling the same. What do you mean the path to the arrow target is optional? You need to remove the wall in order to get access to the gauntlet in order to get one of the last keys to reach the boss.

Edit: Found it. You could hookshot over some spikes and get that key. I know if you missed to destroy the wall right before the boss you have to wait for the wallmaster, but this was intended, although you should have the mirror at that point. Puzzledude wrote:notes on level-8 trick to throw the somaria block pass the ganon statue more obvious, the path for the big chest is optional, main problem: when you first encounter a peg switch, which you need to hit with somaria blast while running the long horizontal room - when you hit this switch, you can make it to the first room, while blue is down, get the big chest, defeat vitrous and come back the wrong way (you don't have that one small key and can come back while the locked door is on). This return should be blocked off - so that the player is thus forced to go the right way - through the second big key door (this room is very well made).

Also the same room 88 should be put all transition-plane settings to 0, instead of 2 - otherwise one staircase will bring you falsly to plane 2 (when in fast is on bg1)I don't know how I could oversee this big mistake, fixed it know (so you never went the intended way to get the red mail? I also wanted to make that mail optional, but usefull for the final floors. But if you skip it you can also skip one hard last challenge to get the last key on the final floor befor Agahanim). Room 88 is part of Level 7. Did you encounter that one graphic bug I mentioned in the readme?

Where pots and such all looks messed up. I don't know how this happens and how to fix it. Puzzledude wrote:ganon dungeon maybe open that one door, so when you get the big key, you can return for the small key, insead of repeat the whole pathWell, that was intended. If you really wanna the Lv4 Sword, you have to beat this boss rush again (Also I thought of adding a way to one final optional extra dungeon but I hadn't any free rooms left for it.

Anyway, thanks for your feedback^^ I'am still working on it, putting some messagestones in some dungeon that makes some thinks more obvious for casual players and such. Also do you have a list of dungeons you liked the most and dungeons who aren't as good as the others?

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